Commitment to quality

In our industry, the smallest details really matter

Trusted specialists for biopharmaceutical R&D

‌In our industry, the smallest details matter.  Our reputation has been earned by focusing relentlessly on such details, the robustness of our analysis and the consistency of our results.

From the accuracy of our study documentation, careful handling of tissue specimens and robust validation of methods through to calibration of temperature probes, internal QA audits and careful packaging of our slides… we focus on every factor within our control, small or large.

We believe it is the only way to deliver the consistent quality our clients expect of us.

Experienced scientist working at Propath
Scientist reviewing sample at Propath

More than a slogan. How quality flows through our organisation

Achieving an aspiration to deliver a professional service consistently requires more than a slogan.

Below are examples of how our commitment to quality flows through our organisation.  All of which arise from the collective efforts over many years of our highly committed technicians and scientists.

Asking incisive questions at the outset to fully understand our clients’ objectives and ensure the most appropriate experimental design
Establishing clear study timelines and – to the best extent possible – keeping to them
Proactive and transparent communication with study directors, with continued involvement of sponsors at all key stages
Operating a robust and effective QA system, with thorough study documentation, reporting of any deviations and regular QA audits
Careful attention to sourcing of good quality tissues with fully informed, documented patient consent and ethics approval
Ensuring IHC methods (for example) are robust and reproducible, with careful attention to using appropriate positive and negative controls
Ensuring our technicians and scientists are competent for their roles, maintain training records and receive regular regulatory raining
Careful handling and 100% traceability of precious tissue specimens, from receipt through to analysis and archive
Continuous investment in technology and facilities to ensure we remain relevant and at the forefront of our industry
At Propath we have been performing regulated studies for over 30 years.

QA compliance

We understand that the integrity of studies is paramount. At Propath we have been performing regulated studies for over 30 years.

As a GLP and GCP compliant facility, a culture of QA runs throughout our organisation. We conduct regular internal audits and welcome client audits.

Our QA system covers all aspects of our service, from employee training and study documentation through to storage conditions for critical reagents and data integrity.

Our approach: First take time to understand thoroughly your needs and objectives

‌Success in the biopharmaceutical field is invariably a combination of inspiration and painstaking refinement and analysis. So while adhering to demanding deadlines is a given, our approach at Propath is to first invest time with our clients to understand their precise scientific objectives and then provide tailored, relevant solutions to achieve them.

We prefer to adopt a consultative approach and build long-term, trusted relationships with our commercial and academic partners. We believe that by working with you, rather than simply for you, we can add significant value to your work.

What our clients say

Again I would like to thank you very much for your excellent work. It is really a pleasure to look at the slides, very nice stain and very high quality!
Senior Veterinary Pathologist
Tier I German pharma customer following completion of GLP histology study
Quoted with consent of author
Propath is a company with whom I look forward to working with. I have worked with Propath for many years and they have assisted us with several studies. Communication with regards to project timelines is particularly excellent which facilitates the smooth running of projects from start to finish. My contact with their staff is always professional and courteous. The quality of their work is extremely high, and delivery of results is timely and accurate. It was a pleasure to work with them.
Principal Scientist
Large Biopharma Company
Quoted with consent of author
We have worked with Propath on a number of IHC projects and have found them to provide supportive, proactive communication with high levels of scientific expertise. The work they have performed for us has been of a high standard and enhanced the data in our research programmes.
Senior Director
Translational Medicine
Quoted with consent of author


We are specialists in molecular pathology and histopathology for biopharma R&D. It’s what we’ve been doing for over thirty years. Trusted by our clients – small and large – across the world.

Outsourced R&D - Done better.

At Propath we approach biopharma R&D differently. Say goodbye to Large CRO frustrations –and hello to a more responsive, agile and efficient level of service.